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Pink Beach

The Pink Beach Lombok, Hidden Paradise You Must Visit

A beach usually has white sand. Yes, some of it has a little bit dark, but that’s normal. However, there is one beach that has unusual sand color. It’s pink! When you visit this place, it feels like you are entering a fantasy world. It’s so majestic and beautiful. But, even though we said that it looks like a fantasy world, you can find it exists in the real world. The beach itself is known as Tangsi Beach or Pink Beach. It’s located in Lombok, Indonesia.

The Tangsi Beach is located in Sekaroh village, Jerowaru residency, East Lombok. Although this beach has unique color and scenery, however, we can consider it to be the secret beach. Not many locals or Indonesian tourist know about this place.

The sand is really pink. It looks even sharper if you see it from afar when you are in the middle of riding a boat to reach this beach. And, it becomes even amazing, when the sunlight shines on the sand. The color becomes even stronger.

One thing that you should know, the pink color here isn’t manmade. It came from natural cause. There are many pink colored shells live around this beach. And, when they die, the shell was broken and its tiny pieces mixed with the sand on this beach. This process happened for a very long time. And, the result is the sand turn into pink sand.

However, the pink sands aren’t the only amazing thing you can find in Tangsi Beach. The main reason why you should visit this place is the atmosphere and scenery you can find here. The hills around this beach make you feel more peaceful. So, this is the best place to relax your mind and relieve all of your stress.

The calm wave maybe isn’t suitable for you who are looking for adrenaline rush activity. But, if you just want to play in the sea, snorkeling, or having the most romantic moment with your loved one, this beach is the best choice.

This beach is truly a hidden paradise in Lombok Island. And, that’s also the reason, why you must put this place as one of the must-visited places if you have a vacation in Indonesia. But, remember visiting this place could be really difficult to do, without the help from the travel agent. So, make sure you book for the travel package to Pink Beach for the best vacation you can get.


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