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Senaru or sembalun trekking route

Sembalun Trekking Route

The trek will start from the Sembalun village with an altitude of 1100 m and will also take place in the Sembalun village. This route will be pampered with a vast landscape, a little long path and a bit hot during crossing the meadow, to get to the edge of the crater with the altitude of 2600 m you will need a lot of stamina because you have to climb five hills which are very high and challenging.Starting from the entrance gate of Sembalun to crater Rim Sembalun will take about 7-8 hours, with 10 km distance. On the second day is the struggle to reach the summit with a height of 3.726m, starting from 3 a.m in order to get the sunrise over the summit,

Overview trail 

  • Distance : 10 KM
  • Walk duration : 6-7 Hours
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Highest point: 2.639 M (Cam site Plawangan Sembalun crater rim)
  • Height gain: +1.539M

Overview trail at day 2 from crater rim Sembalun to Summit:

  • Distance : 5 KM
  • Duration : 6-7 Hours
  • Difficulty: Very Difficult
  • Highest point: 3.726M (mount Rinjani summit )
  • Height gain: +1.087M

Camp site Sembalun crater Rim to Segara Anak 2,000 M

  • Distance : 3,4 KM
  • Duration : 3-4 Hours
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Highest point: 2.639Mdpl ( camp site Sembalun crater rim )
  • Height gain: -639M

Segara Anak lake to crater Rim Senaru 

  • Distance : 2,5 KM
  • Duration : 3-4 Hours
  • Difficulty: moderate
  • Highest point: 2.641 M ( Camp site Senaru crater Rim)
  • Height gain: +641 M

Overview trail at day 3 from crater Rim Senaru to Senaru village

  • Distance : 7,5 KM
  • Duration : 5-6 Hours
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Highest point: 2.641 Mdpl (Senaru crater Rim)
  • Height gain: -2040 M

Senaru Trekking Route


The trek will start from the Senaru village with an altitude of 600 m and will also take place in the Senaru village. The route that is used is the Senaru route that is through the trees (jungle) rain forest the journey will be starting from a height of 600 m to reach to a height of 2,641 m.

Overview trail  day 1  from Senaru village to crater rim Senaru :

  • Distance: 7.5 km
  • Walk duration : 5-6 hours
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Highest point: 2.641 ml ( camp site Senaru crater Rim)
  • Height gain: -2040 m

Overview trail at day-2 (5-6 hours walk)

 crater Rim Senaru 2.641 M to Segara Anak lake 2.000m

  • Distance : 2,5 km
  • Duration : 2-3 hours
  • Difficulty: moderate- dificuld
  • Highest point: 2.641 m (Senaru crater Rim)
  • Height gain: – 641 m

Segara Anak to Sembalun crater Rim 

  • Distance : 3,4 km
  • Duration : 3-4 hours
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Highest point:  mdpl (Sembalun crater rim )
  • Height gain: +639 m

Overview trail at day- 3 from crater rim Sembalun to Summit:

  • Distance : 5km
  • Duration : 6-7 hours
  • Difficulty: very difficult
  • Highest point: 3726 m (mount Rinjani trekking summit )
  • Height gain: +1,087 m

Overview trail 

  • Distance : 10 KM
  • Walk duration : 5-7 Hours
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Highest point: 2.639 M (Cam site Plawangan Sembalun crater rim)
  • Height gain: – 1.539M

Start from sembalun or senaru trekking route ?

on your condition if you want to explore and enjoying the trip we are recommended start from senaru village ( senaru trekking route ) because you have enought time to explore and enjoying the lake and hotspring in second day, 5-6 hours walking on day 2 so 2-4 hours explore lake and hotspring but is hard in the last day 6- 7 hours summit + 5-6 hours from creter rim sembalun to sembalun village but you can take motorbike (extra cost) from post 2 to sembalun village ( starting point) 

if you start from sembalun route on the second day is hard day becouse trekking to summit 6-7 hours + 3-4 hours trek down to the lake + 3-4 hours from the lake to crater rim senaru. most trekker said very difficult but bit easy the last day because from senaru crater rim to senaru village 5-6 hours .


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